Five things Fay Maschler ate this week

Our restaurant critic eats at the new Big Easy in Covent Garden and makes her own blood-orange jelly
19 March 2014

1. Just when you decide on your favourite Atherton enterprise Jason opens another, but currently mine is Little Social, where I shared a sublime cottage pie “Bourguignon” accompanied by exemplary vegetables including peeled peas.

2. Caught the last rays of the soft opening at Big Easy Covent Garden, where Mumbo Jumbo Combo and Grand Appetizer Platter kept four of us busy, sticky — and sated.

3. As well as a duck press there is now an antique silver lobster press at Otto’s Gray’s Inn Road, from whence came an extraordinary base (pictured) for the bisque in which the creature bathed. “Emotional” was how one onlooker described it.

4. Peerless cook Simon Hopkinson gave Reg and me a gift of some hauntingly spiced, glossy beef tripe and tendon, which he had prepared earlier.

5. Six leaves of gelatine set my blood-orange jelly in a rabbit mould perfectly wibbly-wobbly.

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